Innehåller reklam för World of Alidia Eftersom vår förra workshop med Charlie Söderberg blev så himla uppskattad kommer han och gästar WoA igen! 🥳 Nästa torsdag 16/2 kl 20.00 ses vi via Zoom. Temat är precis som förra gången "Ett rikare liv" där Charlie delar sina bästa tips och trix om hur man skapar mer tid, mer energi och mer pengar i sitt liv. Workshopen är tillgänglig för alla WoA holders. Klistrar in vårt announcement från Discorden också så har ni all info även här:Since our last workshop with economy profile and former host of TV show "Lyxfällan" Charlie Söderberg was so appreciated, he will be hosting another one for us ! Save the date: Thursday 16th of February at 8 PM CET (20.00 Swedish time).The workshop´s theme is "A richer life" (Ett rikare liv) and like last time, Charlie will share his best tips and tricks about how to change behaviours to create new results in life. His promise is: More free time, more money - more energy. The workshop will be in Swedish, take place on Zoom and we will post a registration link a couple of days before. It´s a great opportunity to learn how to be even better at creating the life we want and deserve.Everyone attending will also be able to pick Charlie´s brain a bit, and he describes his webinars as "A lot of laughter, maybe some tears, lots of tools to create the life you want - and maybe some tough love"! Sounds AMAZING we think!We are incredibly happy to have Charlie with us on this, as he is one of Sweden´s most appreciated public speakers when it comes to topics about economy and upgrading your life. A recorded version of the workshop will be provided in the Discord afterwards. 🌟