Innehåller reklam för World of Alidia / Ej finansiell rådgivning Det här blogginlägget är väldigt kämpigt för mig att skriva, då jag vet att det kommer göra många av er besvikna. Jag är själv besviken. Besviken över att vi inte lyckats få World of Alidia att lyfta, trots att vi lagt ner oceaner av tid, kärlek och energi på det. ❤️ Men efter att ha kämpat i motvind så länge nu, har vi i teamet tillsammans kommit fram till att vi behöver lägga om kursen och låta själva utility-delen av projektet gå i dvala. NFT:erna kommer självklart finnas kvar (de ligger ju lagrade på blockkedjan) så alla behåller sina konstverk och sin copyright. Men då det inte går att hitta intäkter går det inte att driva WoA vidare i den form vi gjort fram till nu.En totalkraschad marknad där ingen är intresserad av NFT:er har inneburit att vi inte kunnat nå nya holders och minta färdigt. Och OpenSea tog ju bort royalties på andrahandsförsäljningen i början av året - vilket innebar att vår största potentiella framtida inkomstkälla försvann över en natt. En katastrof för alla NFT-projekt, och något som innebar en omedelbar nedläggning av hundratals, om inte tusentals projekt. Jag vill att ni ska veta att vi verkligen försökt. Verkligen försökt. Ingen ville att det här skulle bli framgångsrikt mer än vi som jobbat med det. Men vi har haft det kämpigt ända från start. Vår vision om en fysisk hub gick inte att genomföra när vi inte mintade tillräckligt då NFT-marknaden kraschade. Vi satsade då på plan B vilket var den digitala versionen av huben och började bygga vårt Metaversum. Något som visade sig vara långt mer utmanande än vi hade trott. Att vara extremt tidig på bollen är inte lätt, oavsett industri. Vi fick skala ner vårt Metaversum till ett galleri (som snart är färdigt) på grund av begränsade ekonomiska resurser och bristande tid, och gjorde vårt bästa för att leverera värde i andra former. Främst digitalt, för att försöka nå nya holders internationellt. Vi ordnade rabatter, giveaways, konstsamarbeten med framstående (kvinnliga) NFT-konstnärer, digitala workshops, spel och annat. Men det var tungrott.Senast igår kom nyheten om att Recur (en av de största NFT-plattformarna) lagt ner då de gått omkull. Det är nästintilll omöjligt att driva den här typen av projekt just nu hur hårt man än jobbar, och som jag skrev i announcementet vi publicerade i Discorden i förmiddags (jag publicerar det även här, längre ner) kämpar även giganter som World of Women för sin överlevnad just nu. De flesta NFT-projekt i WoA´s storlek la ner för länge sen. Men vi har kämpat på, gått på bensinångor och verkligen försökt göra det absolut bästa vi har kunnat med de begränsade resurser vi haft. Vi vet att många av er blir ledsna över att vi inte driver WoA vidare i den form vi gjort hittills. Men vi har skapat en fantastiskt fin, detaljerad och varierad NFT-kollektion som verkligen står ut i mängden och den kommer för alltid leva kvar. Jag hoppas och tror personligen att WoA kommer få ett värde längre fram. Ur samlarsynpunkt är det alltid viktigast att vara först - och det är vi, här i vår del av världen.Och även om vi inte kunde fullfölja vår vision har vi ändå gjort SÅ mycket tillsammans. Jag älskade vår WoA Weekend där vi fick hänga tillsammans i två dagar och göra workshops, äta god mat, gå på livekonsert, yoga (eller vad man nu ska kalla det, det var ett tufft träningspass vi hade på söndagen 😅) och HÄNGA. Väldigt roligt att så många av er tog med hela familjen (kidsen verkade uppskatta VR-hörnan mest 🥰). Hade så gärna sett att det blev fler såna tillfällen. Och vi har alla lärt oss en massa. Om både Web3 och annat. Och haft KUL! Mina personliga favvos på det digitala planet är nog workshopen med Balansekonomi som jag och många fler tyckte var fantastiskt inspirerande. Och The Amazing Race som Amanda skapade åt oss i Discorden. ❤️Jag vill att ni alla ska känna er STOLTA. ❣️ Stolta över att vara pionjärer - vi är så otroligt tidiga med detta. För tidiga med allra största sannolikhet. Men min bestämda uppfattning är att NFT:er på ett eller annat sätt kommer vara en stor del av vår alltmer digitala framtid (vare sig folk vill det eller inte), och det ska bli spännande att se hur vårt projekt ses på längre fram. Jag publicerar nu det announcement vi gjorde i Discorden i förmiddags. I det finns all info om vad som händer nu, hur man gör för att sälja sin NFT om man vill det och en massa annat. Jag hoppas att det ger svar på de eventuella frågor ni har. Men är det något jag missat är det såklart bara att ni hör av er till mig. Jag finns här. ❤️Hi everyone. This will be a long message, following a long meeting - so please bear with us and please read until the end to hear everything we have to say.We in the WoA team have had a long meeting, discussing how to move on with World of Alidia. Our conclusion is that we need a big change. This change might feel uncomfortable at first, but we truly feel it will be the best for WoA in the long run.First of all - we want to thank all of you immensely. For daring to be be pioneers, for contributing to our community, for taking part in both our digital and irl adventures. We have loved hanging out with you all! Whether it has been a game of evening Rumble, a Book Club discussion, taking part in The Amazing Race or one of our digital workshops - or meeting up irl at our WoA Weekend. Thank you so much for being part of our journey.And talking about journeys - ours has been a rocky one. As many of you know, the market conditions have been challenging from the start. The global economy crisis happened, and the NFT boom went on to become an NFT crash. We struggled with our mint and to survive we tried to attract more international holders by providing meaningful digital experiences and curated art drops with established NFT artists like The Mystic and Leah Sams (we should all be very proud of all of our art collaborations and the female artists we’ve supported through this).We´ve done our absolute best in trying to reach new holders and create value. We’ve put enormous amounts of time, energy, love and effort into World of Alidia. We had such high hopes for this project, and we are incredibly disappointed that we couldn’t fulfill our vision for WoA. We know you are disappointed too. We hear you. And we are truly sorry for not being able to deliver what we had hoped. We have done our best all the way, and surely made mistakes. But everything we’ve done has been with WoA´s best interest at heart.Our primary goal has always been to support and connect women while educating about Web3. To give women a fun and accessible entrance into this new world we are entering, enjoying beautiful digital art on the way. Female empowerment has always been a top priority and we are extremely proud of our art that depicts women in a beautiful way, art that stands out from how women are usually depicted in the NFT space. We worked with an amazing female artist in creating our collection, we found a great female smart contract writer and we have worked hard to ensure that we have supported women in everything we’ve done.Let’s take a moment to look back on what we’ve achieved together:One of Sweden’s and Scandinavias first ever NFT projects. All of us WoA holders are true pioneers, and we should be extremely proud of the fact that so many (women for the most part) through WoA learned how to set up a crypto wallet, how crypto currencies work, what a blockchain is and what NFTs are. Knowledge that adds value in a more and more digital future.We loved hosting the WoA Weekend last November, enjoying two days of workshops, the VR experience (happy that so many of your kids appreciated that), the food/drinks, the live concert, the yoga with breakfast, the goodie bags and the networking together.All our art collaborations with established female NFT artists, most recently our mini collection with prominent digital artist Leah Sams from the Power of Women project.Fashion collaboration with MÄRTA LARSSON and the exclusively designed gold/silver necklaces we so much enjoyed giving our Whales and Enlightened as a gift.Truly helped bring the international acclaimed brand MÄRTA LARSSON into Web3 by co-creating an NFT collection with a discount utility and gifting it to the community.Exclusive discounts from 15 brands (most of them female founded and/or female led). Ranging from organic coffee and tea to inclusive swimwear to yoga wear to skincare to hotel stays and ski resort perks to AI generated perfume to self care to art to organic cleaning products to a book club among other things.Our digital workshops where we learned everything from how to create stickers to how to create passive income (with Balansekonomi) and how to use AI to create a brand - complete with design, marketing strategies and action plans for launching (collaboration with NORN).Thanks to Thomasine we all learned so much about Web3 and Swedish taxes (such a great workshop!), and we are very proud that we had our own tax expert in the project from the start passing her knowledge on for free. Knowledge that was accumulated by community members, and then additionally passed on, creating more education.We won PLAZA Interiörs honorary award for sustainability with the motivation: ”For an art project that opens possibilities for women within an otherwise male dominated NFT world”. We were hand picked by Binance (the worlds biggest crypto exchange) to participate in their webinar focusing on female Web3 initiatives in the Nordics.We are 95% finished with one of Sweden’s first Metaverse Galleries. A digital space that can showcase our World of Alidia art and other digital pieces we love.But although we are very proud of our achievements, this hasn’t been enough to attract new members. It has also become obvious that the utility we have been able to provide with the limited resources at hand hasn’t been enough for our community who has slowly left Discord over time. We´ve tried to create engagement through games, The Amazing Race, the Burn & Trade incentive, workshops and more but it hasn’t brought the community back. And we understand completely. But we want you to know we have done our absolute best in trying to bring as much value as possible.In February when OpenSea decided to cut royalties on secondary sales we lost our biggest future income overnight. A hard blow. Not only for us - but for all NFT projects out there. The struggle is real for everyone, and even the Blue Chips are fighting for their survival. The floor price of BAYC has dropped 85%, Crypto Punks 80%, Vee Friends 95% and World of Women is down 97% (floor price all time high vs July 19th 2023). But we didn’t want to give up, we pushed onwards even though our mint funds (as many of you already know) ran out around Christmas (we have some funds left that are dedicated to finishing our Metaverse gallery and paying taxes). Which pretty much means that the team has been working for free this entire year. To work without income isn’t sustainable, and delivering utility without funds is unfortunately impossible.We tried to be creative and partner with other projects. As many of you know we had a very exciting collaboration going with one of the world’s biggest female NFT projects that had hand picked World of Alidia for their venture into one united family of quality projects. Sadly this collaboration fell through when OpenSea took away royalties and the initiating project had to fire almost all of their staff due to extremely challenging financial conditions. So what does this mean? Without funds we can no longer uphold the utility part of World of Alidia. But thanks to blockchain technology, the NFTs will live on forever as World of Alidia digital collectibles - the first of its kind in Sweden. It might not seem like that now, but we truly believe that NFTs will have a significant role in our ever more digital future, and that our beautiful digital art will have historical value later on. Furthermore, all copyright - now and forever - will belong to the holders.What happens now?We will finish our Metaverse Gallery and a link to the entrance will be found on our website once it’s 100% finished. The WoA Gallery will function as an historical digital building, displaying our art and representing World of Alidia´s part in Scandinavian Web3 history. We will close down our Discord since we won’t have the ability to moderate and since it hasn’t become the safe space for women to network and learn abut Web3 that we envisioned. We will mint the remaining NFTs up to 3000 and then close the mint. Forever limiting the World of Alidia supply, hopefully increasing future value.Giving backWe want to thank you for partaking in this journey with us, and we want to give back as much as we possible can at this stage. All digital assets we have acquired through the WoA Gallery (including our WoA NFTs) will be distributed back to our holders. The last NFT in the Divine Collection will be minted and distributed to our holders. The two remaining queens will be minted on a new smart contract, distributed to our holders. Queen Alidia herself will also be distributed back to the community. To participate in the distribution of these NFTs, please click this HeyMint link where you’ll be asked to register your wallet. Make sure its a wallet that holds a WoA NFT, otherwise you won’t be able to participate. The registration link will be open for two weeks (until September 2nd), after that the NFTs will be distributed.Q&AWhat happens to my WoA NFT now?Nothing. It will still be in your digital wallet for as long as you own it. We will make sure to cover hosting costs for the art for many years to come. And our goal is to find a solution that will last forever. How do I sell my WoA NFT?You can sell it at all secondary market places, such as OpenSea and Blur. To sell your NFT it needs to be stored in a digital wallet such as Metamask. Here is a tutorial on how to set up a Metamask wallet. If you have bought your NFT through Crossmint (with a regular credit/debit card) you need to transfer it to Metamask before you can put it up for sale. Here is a tutorial on how to do that. To sell an NFT on secondary is easy and only requires a few steps. There are multiple tutorials on YouTube on how to do this.What happens to my copyright?Nothing. As a holder you still own the copyright to your WoA NFT art. That means you can use the artwork for your own purposes, even commercial ones. The hi res-files of all NFTs will be found on our website once it´s remade and properly updated.What happens to the discounts?The general WoA discounts will no longer be valid. But the MÄRTA LARSSON special collection discount will still be valid, and the holders of those NFTs will continue to receive 20-30% discount on all MÄRTA LARSSON items both in store and online. To redeem this discount, please contact the brand directly on their website.Lastly - we again want to thank you for partaking in this journey. We’ve learnt so much, had so much fun and created so many friendships along the way. And we hope to see you in the WoA Metaverse Gallery!//Vanja, Niklas, Stephanie & Amanda ❤️